
Entry (1/2)1  varahina
Part of speech  2  noun
Vocabulary  3  Chemistry
Explanations in Malagasy  4  karaza-metaly menamena azo anjahina ary azo taritina ho tariby izay ampiasaina betsaka, indrindra amin'ny fampitana ny herim-baratra amin'ny elektrisite. [1.1]5  metaly mora fisahina sy folesina [1.13]
Explanations in English  6  copper, brass [1.7]
Explanations in French  7  cuivre, bronze [1.8]8  cuivre [1.5, 1.13]
International  9  Cu [3.1]
Examples  10  Niaraka aminy, nisy bala varahina iray boaty baoritra. [2.472]
Compound words 
Tables and plates  16  Periodic Table
Article  17  Randzavola: varahina ao amin' ny Baiboly (=> mpanefy metaly)

Entry (2/2)18  Varahina
Part of speech  19  name (toponym)
Vocabulary  20  Geography: towns
Elementary words  21  varahina
Tables and plates  22  Full list

Anagrams  23  harivàna, Varahina, varahina, harivàna, Varahina, varahina

Updated on 2024/08/31